Refund Policy



  1. Goods once sold can not be returned or exchanged without a valid reason.
  2. In case of online purchase customer can return the goods if it is not the same model or the product seems damaged.
  3. User can not return any used product.

Return and Refund policy will not be valid for the below reasons:

  • If you don't have Unboxing Video from starting to end.
  • if you don't Email or WhatsApp us your full video for any Claim within 2 days after product delivered.



  1. If a product is received and is in defective condition ( Dead On Arrival ) or damaged the product will be replaced with a new product. The product has to be shipped back to Your WOW Kids with all original packing and accessories with no damage to serial numbers
  2. Once the product is received we will dispatch your product on the same day. It is highly recommended to make a full  unboxing video of the product. Inform us immediately when you receive any defected or damaged goods when you receive it.

We do Replace & Refunds with in 5 to 7 business days